Level-funded, Limited Day Health Plan for small employers and carve-out classes of large employers.
Limited-Benefit Indemnity Plans for large employers with
part-time, hourly, and seasonal workers.
Limited-Benefit Indemnity Plans designed to meet the unique needs of the staffing industry for mid to large size employers.

The Fundamental Problem with Traditional Health Insurance -
The "Affordability Void"
Health insurance is expensive.
High-deductibles create a huge personal financial burden and make the plans unusable.
Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, the average monthly premium for an individual has risen to $440 per month with an average deductible of $4,533.
When surveyed, many Americans indicate that $200 per month (or less) is what they would define as affordable.
70% of working Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck.
40% indicate that they have enough savings to cover a $400 emergency.
89% of uninsured Americans are actively employed.
An affordability and high-deductible crisis exists in the health insurance marketplace today. Fundamental Care was designed as an alternative solution.
Employees working for 30MM SMALL BUSINESSES
Part-time workers in the new GIG ECONOMY
Non-eldery adult WORKING UNINSURED
Fundamental Care provides access to unique, Affordability-Based Medical Plans on a guarantee issue basis
Fundamental Care offers two Affordability-Based Medical insurance options:
1) an employer-sponsored, level-funded, Limited-Day Health Plan for small employers and carve-out classes of large employers, and
2) a Limited-Benefit Indemnity Plan for large employers with part-time, hourly, and seasonal employees.
Both can be customized and structured with affordable premiums and no deductibles.
The plans are high in potential coverage, guaranteed issue, and include upfront, day-one benefits -- healthcare you can actually use.
For employers who are in the staffing industry, visit: fundamentalcarestaffing.com.
Fundamental Care Plan Information
Copay plan with 100% coverage
NO Deductible
Guaranteed issue
Benefits are limited by days – no dollar amount limits
High in potential coverage (not fixed-indemnity)
Preventative, outpatient, and inpatient benefits
ACA qualified MEC & MVP plans
Core plan for small employers and carve-out plan for large employers
A near-comprehensive plan that both employers and employees can afford, with NO-Deductible.

Voluntary for employers or associations
Fixed-Indemnity benefit
First-dollar Coverage
Customizable Plan Designs and Price Points
ACA qualified MEC Plans available
Guarantee Issued
No Medical Underwriting
No Deductible or Co-insurance
$10 Office Visit Prepay for Doctor Visits
An affordable option for the uninsured that provides coverage for basic medical expenses.

A Small Employer
When I asked my broker for an affordable group health plan, he showed me high deductible plans. I can’t afford the employer contribution requirements. And my employees would have to pay thousands out of pocket before they were reimbursed for anything other than a few office visits. We need an affordable plan that helps cover expenses on day one!

A Large Employer
We offer and pay for a portion of health insurance for our full-time employees. But my hourly employees don’t enroll because they can’t afford their share of premiums and don’t think they will ever get past the high deductible to use their insurance. I need a carve-out option that is affordable with no deductibles.
Fundamental Care Partners
Fundamental Care is managed by Coterie Advisory Group, Inc. Coterie Advisors is an Arizona-based, insurance program manager and national marketing agency. The founders of Coterie are comprised of a team of insurance and benefits professionals who have dedicated their careers to the benefits marketplace. They have held various Leadership and Executive roles at multiple insurance carriers, agencies, and platform administrators. Their drive has helped thousands of service-industry employers and millions of individuals obtain quality, affordable care. Coterie focuses on Affordability-Based Medical Plans and has life and health insurance licenses in all 50 states.